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Winter 2020 Newsletter

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! If you are reading this, New Hope is thankful for you. I think this year has taught us to be thankful and to slow down and remember what really matters. New Hope is about building community and you are a part of that. So thank you! Let us reflect on this past year and look forward to the future of what can be achieved together.  

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Music for Hope
Dover Lights is a local band that has graciously donated the proceeds to their upcoming album to New Hope Youth Ministries! The band is comprised of Daniel Brinker and Andy Moore, both of whom are spouses of New Hope board members. 

The band describes this album as “a cinematic outpouring of nocturnal musings.” The music is versatile, but falls mainly into the genre post-punk. Two singles have been released so far and have received accolades from across the globe. The full album will be available on digital, vinyl, or cd on January 15th, 2021. Give them a listen and consider buying their album in support of New Hope!

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Mentor Program
Our mentor program is up and running! We have mentors that are trained and ready to spend time with children in this area that are trafficking survivors. DHS is also on board and excited about our program. Art Heathcock has had multiple meetings to explain the program to caseworkers for the surrounding counties. If you would like to be a mentor or support this program, we would love to hear from you.  

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US Government Efforts 2020
The State Department has an Office on Trafficking In Persons.  Their mission is “To combat human trafficking by supporting and leading systems that prevent trafficking through public awareness and protect victims through identification and assistance, helping them re-build their lives and become self-sufficient.” They have been very busy this year. Below are their stated goals and a few of their recent achievements.

1. Establish a cohesive national human trafficking victim service delivery system that serves victims of all forms of trafficking by leveraging existing service systems, public-private partnerships, and federal and local coordination.
2. Develop a culture of data-informed anti-trafficking programming and policy-making by standardizing data collection, targeting evaluation, and publishing quality reports.
3. Integrate anti-trafficking efforts into HHS prevention strategies through survivor-informed public awareness messaging and addressing demand for human trafficking.
  • “HHS anti-trafficking grantees conducted 798 public outreach events that reached 11,841 people, provided training to more than 13,000 people, and provided technical assistance to 3,341 people between October 1, 2019 and July 30, 2020.”
  • “In August 2020, DOJ’s OVC awarded more than $35 million in grant funding to provide safe, stable housing and appropriate services to victims of human trafficking, representing the largest ever federal investment in housing for trafficking survivors.”
  • “In FY 2020, DHS created the Center for Countering Human Trafficking to bring together multiple DHS components to prioritize human trafficking investigations, victim identification, and public outreach.”
There is still a lot of work to be done for the US to have adequate systems in place to combat human trafficking. The 2020 Trafficking in Persons Report explained “  Although the government meets the minimum standards, it prosecuted fewer cases and secured convictions against fewer traffickers, issued fewer victims trafficking-specific immigration benefits, and did not adequately screen vulnerable populations for human trafficking indicators. Anti-trafficking advocates reported a continued lack of sustained effort to address labor trafficking, increased obstacles for foreign nationals to secure victim protections, and a systemic inability to prevent traffickers from using employment-based and other nonimmigrant visa programs.”

Trafficking in Persons Report 2020. (2020, June). Retrieved from

2020 Report on U.S. Government Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons - United States Department of State. (2020, December 01). Retrieved December 16, 2020, from

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Other Non-profits Leading the Way
Operation Underground Railroad began in 2013. “We've gathered the world's experts in extraction operations and in anti-child trafficking efforts to bring an end to child slavery. O.U.R.'s Ops Team consists of former CIA, past and current law enforcement, and highly skilled operatives that lead coordinated identification and extraction efforts.” Basically, they gather heroes to rescue children and arrest traffickers around the world. They also make sure that survivors have comprehensive aftercare. 

One cool thing OUR accomplished this year is training a law enforcement dog in Colorado to detect electronics. He is able to find devices that have been hidden containing child pornography that police officers may miss.
They were able to save four women that were imprisoned in the Middle East after their traffickers stole their documentation.

In Southeast Asia, they were able to rescue a young boy, arrest his trafficker, and identify 50 other boys from photographs they found!

I follow OUR on Instagram and I am always inspired by the work they are doing. Please consider supporting them!
”STOP THE TRAFFIK is a pioneer in human trafficking prevention. Working to unite people around the world by inspiring, informing, equipping and mobilising communities to; know what human trafficking is, know how to identify it and know how to respond appropriately if they saw it.”  This non-profit has created an app that makes it easy for people to report trafficking. They have literally been able to reach millions of people to help spread awareness.

There are so many ways to get involved in the movement that is defeating trafficking worldwide. We are just a small part of it. Everything from pulling children out of brothels to creating apps to help with awareness. All of this is important.

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How To Get Involved

If you are passionate about the topic of human trafficking, then we need your help. It’s so easy to get involved! Step 1 is to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. This helps us to know what you are interested in doing and the best way to contact you. Below is a list of opportunities to help, but if you have an idea that you want to pursue, we are more than happy to assist you.

  • Social Media
  • Event Planning
  • Public Speaking
  • Grant Writing
  • Mentoring
  • Construction Insight
  • Business Background
  • Skills or activities that could be done with students and mentors
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Laura BrinkerWinter 2020 Newsletter

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