Donate :-)

Thank you in advance for your gift!

Your donation helps bring HEALING and RESTORATION to children who have survived trafficking.
We pray the Lord will bless you for your generosity.

New Hope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Our tax ID is #47-4192392.  All gifts are tax deductible.

Make A One Time Or
Monthly Recurring Donation  

Buy now with PayPal

You can give with your PayPal account or any major credit card. No PayPal account required!

For recurring donations, the gift amount you choose will automatically be debited every month.  You can cancel at any time.  🙂
(Please note: Recurring gifts require you to have or create a PayPal account, but creating an account is totally free!)

Cancel A Recurring Donation  

Cancel your recurring gift.  If you’d like to change your gift amount, you can set up a new recurring gift!

Donate by Check   

Pay by Check

You can make your check payable to New Hope Youth Ministries and mail it to the address on the right.
(A receipt will be mailed to the address on the check.)

New Hope Youth Ministries
PO Box 1979
Russellville, AR 72811

Thanks again, we couldn’t do this work without you!

Art HeathcockDonate :-)