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Now Is the Time for Hope

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Hope is not reserved for easy answers. Hope’s value is not seen in situations that take a day to fix or one person to accomplish. No, hope’s full strength is seen in the midst of the overwhelming… in the impossible.

Now is the time for hope, hope for yourself and hope to share with the world around you. We are all watching as the world seems to come to a standstill and hold its breath. But even in this long tentative breath, there is action. Some may have a part to play for which they have had years of study and can use their expertise. But we all play a small part that has a tremendous impact on the world around us. The small matters.  We feel the weight of small measures in a new way right now.

However, for some the world has not paused. We at New Hope are reminded of that as we receive another call looking for housing for a trafficked teen. Yes, this week, in the middle of a standstill of worldwide proportions, we come face to face with the reality of trafficking… It doesn’t wait. It won’t pause. We tuck ourselves and loved ones into safety, but those who are trafficked lack the freedom to choose for themselves what they will do. And it’s not just for a season, its their everyday and the end is not yet in sight.  But, we all have a part to play. Our small measures matter here too. May we feel the weight of small measures for all and in all.

New Hope’s measure and mission is to provide restorative services for teens who have experienced and survived human trafficking. Our goal and purpose is to see healing for these teens in every area of life. Human trafficking is an unseen epidemic in our world, affecting millions worldwide and hundreds of thousands in our own nation. And it is here again that we look to the full strength of hope to overcome the overwhelming and the impossible.

Hope will overcome.  Hope for healing for every teen who needs it. Hope that we all hold but must hold out for others to find at this time. What might your small measures be for those who are trafficked? Reach out at to find out how you can be involved; or if you want to give at this time visit .

New Hope is on the brink of some exciting opportunities to provide that hope and restoration. But it can’t be done alone.  Your part is so valuable and if all our small measures come together, there really is hope to see these lives restored.

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” Romans 5:3-5

Christie MooreNow Is the Time for Hope

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